Thursday 8 November 2012

Tips For A Gentle Cleanse

I'm on Day 4 of my gentle cleanse with Nat Kringoudis. 

It's been a big week - and I've become a bit obsessed with my next meal. Which is good - because it's made me more organised, and forced me to discover some new foods that wouldn't ordinarily enter my diet. 

I am ordinarily, a pretty healthy eater. I don't eat fried food, I try and eat enough fruit and veg everyday, but as a busy mum, I think I get lower and lower on the priority list every day. Without sounding like a martyr, I give everyone else the nice fruit, and when it's just bruised fruit leftover, I don't want it. Everyone else gets looked after first - and then mama gets what's left. Boo hoo. 

So my tips include:
- keep snacks close by - hommus and carrot sticks; nuts; fruit; juices (I do beetroot, ginger, celery, carrot and Granny Smith)
- Incaberries are my latest discovery (pictured above) from the health food store which is my latest hang out - a tasty little morsel - they're high in Vitamin A, C and B12 - as well as protein - plus it's high in fibre
- coconut milk yoghurt - I was in a flap and wanted something good to eat. I discovered it in my lunch break and by 2pm was hooked. It's vegan and it's good. You can find it here. Apparently there's ice cream too, but I haven't checked that out because it would be breaking my cleanse. And I wouldn't do that. Would I?
- water. Drink stacks of it. 
- herbal teas - my absolute favourite is Licorice Legs from T2. I freaking LOVE this tea - it has a sweet lick to it - and it's good for digestion and cleansing
- be prepared to be a little tired - particularly the first couple of nights - get an early night

PS - Nat is running another cleanse very soon. I did the cleanse because I am looking to eat cleaner, feel healthier and happier.

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